You have landed on this website because you are interested in applying for a collegiate license. Companies wishing to produce merchandise bearing the trademarks of institutions represented by CLC, whether for retail sale or internal/campus consumption, must obtain a license.
CLC encourages any company interested in obtaining a collegiate license to review the information provided on our website. These documents will allow your company to gain a better understanding of the application process, choose the type of license that makes sense for your company, and realize the commitment and resources necessary to obtain approval from our partner institutions. After a review of the licensing considerations presented here, please create an account or log in to access the license application.
You have two options:
1. Create an account (if you have not done so previously.)
2. Log in to access the license application (if you have an existing or previous account.)
CLC administers and oversees the application process and makes recommendations to each represented institution about the viability of each applicant; however, the ultimate decision-maker on all new applicants is each individual Institution. CLC executes all facets of the institutions’ respective licensing programs and is responsible for interfacing with the Institutions and their respective licensees, manufacturers and retailers.
Primary responsibilities of a collegiate licensee include:
1.Obtain institutional approval on all products, designs, labels, marketing & distribution plans, and advertising/promotional materials prior to any production, distribution or sale.
2.Maximize distribution of collegiate products in the retail channels permitted by the license agreement.
3.Pay royalties due to the respective institutions in a timely and accurate manner. Licensees with royalty exempt sales are required to submit a sales report.
4.Ensure that licensee and others within its supply chain manufacture products in a responsible manner that is consistent with the institutions’ workplace codes of conduct, monitoring and remediation standards.
5. Use CLC systems throughout the term of license agreement, including the use of the Brand Manager 360 portal for the Action Items section of the Dashboard, Announcements and communications via email.